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Police Investigating Parliament Occupation Identify Four People

Police can now confirm four of the 15 people publicly sought in relation to the occupation at Parliament have now been identified.

The investigation team continues to make enquiries to identify anyone involved in violent criminal offending, including those featured in the remaining 11 images released last week.

“If you have any information about these people, please get in touch with Police. This can be done anonymously by calling Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111,” Detective Inspector Paul Berry says.

Information can also be provided online at https://www.crimestoppers-nz.org

“Following the success of our first public appeal, we’re now seeking to identify another man seen wearing a white t-shirt with what appears to be a cartoon Kiwi on the front” Detective Inspector Berry says.

“If you know who he is, please call Crime Stoppers and reference Op Convoy photo number 173.”