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Speak Up Safely And Stop Ram Raids

Crime Stoppers wants to put a focus on Ram Raids by allowing those who know something to be able to speak up safely. Starting on the King’s Birthday long weekend, Crime Stoppers will focus on

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What Is People Trafficking?

New Zealand’s Inter-Agency Trafficking in Persons Operations Group has produced a resource to explain in very clear terms and image format, just what people trafficking is. Many will not realise it, but people trafficking is

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Cyber Scams Awareness For Senior Kiwis

Crime Stoppers and Transparency International New Zealand are holding an event to inform and educate all senior citizens about cyber scams in Aotearoa New Zealand. The event includes cyber experts alongside people who have been

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Creating a safer Aotearoa campaign

Creating a safer Aotearoa Crime Stoppers wants to give Kiwi families the confidence to anonymously report crime in Aotearoa New Zealand. Starting today (Monday 24th of October), a national campaign aimed at supporting whānau and

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CEO Hadyn Smith chats with Today FM

Hear Hadyn Smith chat to Rachel Smalley on First Light, Today FM on the issues Crime Stoppers is facing today and the work that we do. Aired on Tuesday 12 July 2022. https://omny.fm/shows/today-first-light/hadyn-smith-120722

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Safely Speaking Up Against Gang Crime

Crime Stoppers wants to give Kiwis the confidence to anonymously report gang crime in Aotearoa New Zealand. Starting this week, a national campaign aimed at vulnerable communities and whānau. The focus is on safely sharing

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