What information do you have?
If you know the type of illegal activities you are reporting
(If you are unsure of the type, check from the table below)
Illegal activities you can report to Corrections anonymously
Type | Explanation |
Prisoner(s) in danger | Prisoner(s) in danger from other prisoners. |
Staff in danger from prisoner(s) | Corrections staff member(s) in danger from prisoner(s). |
Family members in danger | Family members in danger from person(s) on probation in the community. |
Members of the public in danger | Members of the public in danger from person(s) on probation in the community. |
Staff in danger from probationers | Corrections staff member(s) in danger from person(s) on probation in the community. |
Escape | Escape from prison planned. |
Mistreatment of prisoner/probationer | Mistreatment of prisoner/person on probation by Corrections staff. |
Illegal items or weapons | Prisoner/person on probation is in possession of illegal items or weapons. |
Drug use by prisoner/probationer | Drug use by prisoner/person on probation. |
Drug use by staff | Drug use by Corrections staff member(s). |
Corrupt/unlawful practices by staff | Corrupt/unlawful practices by Corrections staff member(s) – for example bringing in prohibited/illegal items (such as cell phones, weapons, tobacco) for prisoners. |
Unlawful practices | Unlawful practices by prisoners – for example, organising/commissioning offences in the community whilst in prison. |
Conflict of interest | Conflict of interest – for example, inappropriate personal relationship(s) between Corrections staff member(s) and prisoner(s)/person(s) on probation. |
Other dishonesty | Other dishonesty |