In an interview with The Hui, police have been able to share new details on the disappearance of Leonie Emery.
Leonie was 25 years old and a mother of five when she disappeared in early January 2018, and has not been seen or heard from since. Police have traced the last known sightings of Leonie to the Waikato town of Huntly. Her family are desperately seeking answers to what happened to her and feel any information could help Police with the case.
The Hui Reporter Mihingarangi Forbes and Producers Sarah Hall and Annabelle Lee-Mather, share details of her disappearance in this exclusive interview and Leonie’s family are pleading for any information on her disappearance.
To anybody who may have any information of Leonie, please contact us anonymously here at Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111, or submit a report online through our website. Alternatively you can contact Police directly on 105.